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[Quiz] Case

Posted: 26 Jan 2012, 22:58
by siddig
. 24 y old man presented with cough and intermittent shortness of breath. he works as spray painter and has no significant prior illness , he doesnot smoke , CXR is normal, spirogram show normal FEV1, FVC,

from mrcp4all

Re: case---

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 22:45
by einas
this is a case of occupational asthma which usually diagnosed by spirometry during and after 2 weeks off work ,methacholine challenge test is another method of diagnosing asthma ,The purpose of the inhaled bronchial challenge test using methacholine is to determine how responsive (or irritable) the airways are and to determine the severity of any asthma.

the patient will be asked to inhale a mist that contains different concentrations of methacholine. The mist is produced by a device called a nebulizer and the patient inhales the mist through a mouthpiece. Before the test begins and after each period of inhalation, the patient will be asked to blow forcefully into a spirometer.

Re: case---

Posted: 03 Aug 2014, 21:02
by omerla3ota
siddig wrote:. 24 y old man presented with cough and intermittent shortness of breath. he works as spray painter and has no significant prior illness , he doesnot smoke , CXR is normal, spirogram show normal FEV1, FVC, which of the following tests most likely demonestrate a reson for his symptoms
a. high resolution CT
B. methacholine challenge test
c. persantine-thallium scan
d. echogram
e. ventillation perfusion lung scan

b is right

from mrcp4all

Re: case---

Posted: 18 Mar 2015, 11:31
by afrah86
the answer is methacholine challenge test